Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that lets you (the ‘donor’) appoint one or more people (known as ‘attorneys’) to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf, ensuring your interests are protected no matter what the future brings.  

 LPAs can now be seen as essential – we are all aware of the devastation physical or mental impairment brings. 

 There are 2 types of LPA:  Health & Welfare and Property & Financial Affairs.  You can choose to make one type or both. 

Health and Welfare LPA 

Gives an attorney the power to make decisions about things like your daily routine, for example washing, dressing, and eating, medical care, moving into a care home or life-sustaining treatment. 

 It can only be used when you’re unable to make your own decisions. 

Property and Financial Affairs LPA 

Gives an attorney the power to make decisions about money and property for you, for example managing a bank or building society account, paying bills, collecting benefits or a pension and selling your home. 

 It can be used as soon as it’s registered, with your permission. 

 The Attorney is someone who will ensure that your wishes are followed and that all decisions are made in your best interests; therefore, the appointed person is typically a family member or person you trust.   

 It is important to seek specialist advice before setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney so that you are aware of your legal rights and how they will be affected once the Attorney has been appointed, how to revoke a Power of Attorney and the circumstances in which you can do so. 

Devaud Capital can provide all the necessary advice and information you require in a cost effective and sensitive manner.